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時間:2020-08-07 作者:國際處 瀏覽量:3864

立秋,是二十四節(jié)氣中第13個節(jié)氣(Chinese solar terms, 也是秋季的第一個節(jié)氣,為秋季的起點。所以立秋的英文表達為Start of Autumn是不是很簡單、直接?  

雖然夏季結束,但立秋并不代表酷熱天氣就此結束,初秋期間天氣仍然很熱。所謂熱在三伏the dog days),立秋后還有至少一伏的酷熱天氣,也就是說,酷暑并沒有過完,就是我們俗稱的“秋老虎”(Indian Summer。

But the beginning of autumn does not mean that the hot weather is over, the period of hot days still lasting for a while, what we called “Indian Summer”.  


Autumn means harvest, as the saying goes, “if it rains at the Start of Autumn, the good harvest will be expected.